Ella Filar

Ella Filar, Melbourne’s ‘Queen of Cabaret’ (Inpress) is an independent writer, director and songwriter. A daughter of an ex-priest turned gynaecologist and a Jewish/ Polish Princess turned Communist, she is a Gaultier of performing arts. Ella begun strutting her Klezmatic, Kabaretic,“Genre Blender, Gender Bender” stuff around Melbourne Underground long before the Arcane Art of “Mix & Match” hit the internet. Inspired by Left-Of -Berlin European post - war musicology and performance, her highly original, inimitable style is characterised by a rich combination of the ordinary and the fantastic. It is a joyful yet terrifying challenge  

Crows Bar Cabaret

Insights to Ella

Inspired by Eastern European post war musicology and performance Crows Bar Cabaret  is political, vulgar, artistic, grotesque, sexy and sublime.

"Cabaret at its best!"  Jonathan Marshall, Inpress  

"The singers dressed as one-winged cabaret angels, have beautiful voices. Titokuwaru in particular has an extraordinary range and is a charismatic performer"  Fiona Scott-Norman, The Age

"Fantastically haunting cabaret music of the Weimar period.... The songs are the stand-out element, the music has an urgency to it that is alluring and the lyrics are rich in imagery."  Geoffrey Milne, ABC Radio

"An excellent selection of songs.. seething, seamy eroticism.."  
Kate Herbert, Herald Sun


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